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Example of the setting to ESU decoder using the LokProgrammer L5.

This example is setting to realize an automatically uncoupling such as the above video.
Step 1
Set the function mapping.
F8 is uncoupling function in this example here.
'Forward and F8' link to AUX1, 'Reverse and F8' link to AUX2.
'Logical function' is 'Uncoupling cycle'.
'Sound' is from your sound slot (EX. 'DL coupler function' of slot 8).

Step 2
Set the function output of AUX1 and AUX2.
'Power on delay = 2 ' , 'Power off delay = 4 ' , 'Function timeout = 5 ' ,'Coupler force = 1 ' are set in this example here.
Do not set the value of function timeout more than four seconds.
Check the voltage of DCC of the track. It is
17 ACV in this example here.
If the voltage of DCC is high, it comes to a big movement of the coupler.
(The voltage range is 17ACV ~ 22ACV(MAX). 17ACV is best)
So, at first, Please set 1 to the 'Coupler force'. And increase a value up to 3 while checking the movement of head of Smart Coupler.

For AUX1
For AUX2
Step 3
Set the function setting for Automatic uncoupling.
'Speed = 2 ' , 'Push time = 61 ' , 'Move time = 122 ' are set in this example here.

Other Function (Sound Slot configuration example)

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